Concentricity Alignment Tool | EDS Measurement Systems, Inc.

The Concentricity Alignment Tool (CAT) is used to concentrically align turbine diaphragms to the shaft of the turbine. (It is also known as Electronic Radial Alignment Gage or ERAG.) There are now three measuring heads available that cover the range of most turbines including some of the smaller marine turbines. The CAT is manufactured by EDS Measurement Systems, Inc. in Rochester, New York, USA.

The three heads available are the LCAT (“large”), SCAT (“small”), and µCAT (“micro”, not pictured) available in one of three kits:

CATConcentricity Alignment Tool, Model CAT (battery-powered) complete with small (SCAT), and large (LCAT) measuring heads, and all accessories.
CAT PLUSConcentricity Alignment Tool, Model CAT PLUS (battery-powered) complete with micro (µCAT), small (SCAT), and large (LCAT) measuring heads, and all accessories.
CAT MicroConcentricity Alignment Tool, Model CAT Micro (battery-powered) complete with micro (µCAT), and all accessories.
Concentricity Alignment Tool models
CAT Case OpenCAT power supply
LCAT and SCAT heads
LCAT and SCAT heads w/accessories
Large (LCAT) and Small (SCAT) CAT heads with accessories attached.

To use the tool, the packing must be removed from the turbine and the packing slot cleaned of any wear deposits and the shaft must be cleaned to give accurate readings. The SCAT or LCAT sensor head is then fitted to the packing slot width by installing the proper sideplates and shims and then fitted to the annular space by selecting the proper length of spacer and hex contact screw. If the extra width of the sideplates does not allow the hex contact screws to be inserted into the lever arm, then the lever arm extenders could be attached to the lever arm.

Before taking measurements, temporarily insert the tool into the packing slot and insure that the lever arm can be zeroed using the lever arm adjusting screw. Also, insure that the lever arm has enough over travel in both directions from zero to prevent bottoming out of the lever arm and causing binding. Please see the post Using the Concentricity Alignment Tool for a basic overview of taking measurements.

CAT drawing

Also refer to the Concentricity Alignment Tool brochure.
